Overcome setbacks for the ultimate win in 2020

Overcome setbacks for the ultimate win in


18 DECEMBER 2019 1:00 PM

Use what you’ve learned from setbacks in 2019 to motivate you to succeed in 2020.

If you are like me, you’re taking a deep breath and evaluating 2019. All that you have accomplished and all that you haven’t.

Life isn’t perfect and there are always curveballs, but now is the time to start writing that 2020 vision.

Start by examining your setbacks and learn from them

Failure has always been a bad word. Start seeing failure as just a temporary setback and a new opportunity to learn from, grow and change direction. None

of this can happen without failure. These temporary setbacks are bringing you a step closer to achieving success. Check out the numerous failures Jeff

Bezos, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Milton Hershey and Sir James Dyson had prior to experiencing phenomenal success. There were 5,126 prototypes

developed for Dyson vacuums before Dyson developed the one that worked. There is something to be said for this magnitude of perseverance and

persistence to win!

If it’s not working, change it

We all know Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity. We like to be comfortable and stick with the known go-to strategies, but don’t forget that everyone else is

also doing the same thing. The world is constantly changing, which means we consistently make adjustments to be relevant and successful. So if those core

strategies are no longer working, you need to start thinking outside of the box. Forget how everyone else is doing it. Come up with your own unique ideas and

give it a try. Your only regret will be not taking a chance.

Take risks

It’s time to think radically and get out of your comfort zone. When you get that spark for a great idea, write it down and figure out a way to execute it. Do not

allow yourself or others to talk you out of it. Go with your gut feeling. You have nothing to lose but everything to learn. In the words of Mark Zuckerberg,

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that is changing very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking any risks.”

Exercise patience

We live in a microwave society where everything needs to happen right now and the thought of overnight success is glamorized. However, impatience leads

to abandonment which leads to failure. The greatest successes did not happen overnight. Life’s overall journey is a race of endurance. Whatever your overall

vision or goals are, be prepared to give your strategies the appropriate time to work. Consistently put the work in because your strategies won’t work unless

you do.

Expand your network

Build a quality network and continuously focus on growing it. In some cases, you will need to completely change it. You are the average of the five people

you spend most of your time with. So if you want to achieve greater success, start surrounding yourself with those who have already attained that higher

level. Surround yourself with the dreamers, the doers, the believers, the thinkers, and most of all, the people who see greatness in you even when you don’t

see it yourself. They will be your greatest mentors and even your clients.

Become a solutions provider

Many times we focus way too much on closing the deal and the revenue to be made. Shift your primary focus instead to becoming a solutions provider. Start

viewing your clients as people whom you genuinely want to build a relationship with and help to improve their product or services. This mindset will change

your targeted list of clients from random to relevant. Do your research to know what their potential needs are both immediate and in the future. Work on

anticipating their needs before they do. Perfect your elevator speech and be prepared to explain what makes you unique and how your services or product

will be an asset to them and the specific solutions you can provide.

Jacquel Tucker is CEO of Global Hospitality Expert Solutions providing Hospitality Consulting Services, Business Development and Sales and Customer Service Training. She is Executive Director of

The Jamaica Project USA and author of It’s Time for YOUR Transition available on Amazon. jtucker@gheshospitality.com

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By Jacquel Tucker

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The Jamaica Project USA and author of It’s Time for YOUR Transition available on Amazon. jtucker@gheshospitality.com

The opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hotel News Now or its parent company, STR and its affiliated companies. Bloggers published on this site are given the

freedom to express views that may be controversial, but our goal is to provoke thought and constructive discussion within our reader community. Please feel free to comment or contact and editor

with any questions or concerns.

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