Joe Strain
March 4, 2024

Joe Strain

Hotel broker and consultant with asset management, finance, feasibility and buyer background and experience. Have worked with hotel opportunity funds buying hotels and have consulted with funds and groups for...

Alison Hoyt
March 4, 2024

Alison Hoyt

Ali is Co-Founder of Larkspur Hospitality Consulting. Along with Carter Wilson, Ali uses industry-leading data to service clients’ needs on topics including hotel market identification, optimizing comp sets, market trends...

Carter Wilson
March 4, 2024

Carter Wilson

Carter is Co-Founder of Larkspur Hospitality Consulting. Along with Ali Hoyt, Carter uses industry-leading data to service clients’ needs on topics including hotel market identification, optimizing comp sets, market trends...

Alan Benjamin
March 4, 2024

Alan Benjamin

Alan Benjamin, ISHC is the world’s leading expert on hospitality Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) and is the founder of Benjamin West, the purchasing firm based in Boulder, Colorado, with...

Ronald (Ron) Lustig
March 4, 2024

Ronald (Ron) Lustig

Ron Lustig is a principal at ESa (Earl Swensson Associates), where he leads the design of hospitality and entertainment venues. He holds a B.S. degree in architecture from the University...