Company: CBRE- Hotels
Position: Senior Vice President
Following my career in the valuation profession, focusing on hotel assets, I shifted into hotel brokerage. CBRE Hotels has consistently provided our team with an unmatched platform from which to serve our clients. Our transaction process is uniquely tailored to the hotel industry. Our deep understanding of the hotel business, allows us to assist our clients in maximizing sale proceeds.
To employ my personal honesty, integrity, confidence, and knowledge to put the client first...always.
I am currently a Senior Vice President of CBRE Hotels involved in brokering hotels in the U.S. Employing valuation and consulting experience in properly pricing hotel assets has strengthened my marketplace credibility.
MAI(Member Appraisal Institute).CRE(Counselors of Real Estate). ISHC(International Society of Hospitality Consultants). 25-year Member of Ohio and National Association of Realtors, and the Columbus Board of realtors. Allied Member, and board member, Ohio Hotel and Lodging Association, Emeritus Board member, and past president of the Dublin Convention and Visitors Bureau, Dublin Ohio